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Eat enough protein and food rich in dietary fiber.

•Staring and looking in one direction steadily.
•Concussion in the hands and legs when moving.
•Stiffness in the body.
•The patient loses consciousness.
•Difficulty breathing or complete cessation of breathing.
•Loss of bowel and bladder control.

By adapting to the environment, modifying tasks, and learning skills.

The number of sessions depends on the child's condition and individual needs, often determined by the physical therapist accordingly.

Language how many words can the child understand and name, and sentences.
Speech the clarity of his talk.

Because they contain vitamins and minerals and dietary fiber, which prolong satiety. It’s also low in calories.

Autism occurs due to several factors, including genetic disorders. Some studies have also proven that if there is a person with autism in the family, there is a possibility that there will be another child with autism in the family.

A child may need to receive occupational therapy services if they have several difficulties compared to peers or by following the normal developmental milestones, such as:
- Precisely grasping and moving objects with the hands.
-Complete visual motor activities such as puzzles, using scissors, writing, and copying from the blackboard.
- Accepts a range of different sensory inputs (such as touches, sounds, lights, or changing movement).
- Motor coordination (such as using the hands together accurately).
-Eating, dressing, personal care.

You can assist your child in practicing the exercises prescribed by the physical therapist and encourage them to maintain an active lifestyle.

The most common causes of speech delay include Hearing loss. Slow development Intellectual disability.